Monday, June 28, 2010

Been Away Way Too Long

Isn't that a song? Anyway, I have been away from this blog for way too long. I can only say that I let other stuff get in the way, and I shouldn't. Writing here is theraputic.

I read a post on about mindful eating. The basis of the post is that we need to be mindful of what we eat - every little thing does add up. And it takes more effort and more time to lose that extra 10 pounds than it took to gain it. Much easier to be mindless about your life than to be mindful. But the result of mindful eating is so worth the effort.

You could apply this "mindful" concept to about any area in your life. Mindful spending. Think about it. Every little purchase adds up. Dave Ramsey has said something to the effect that large ships are sunk by small leaks. And like the weight example, it takes more effort and more time to save, or earn, that $100 than it takes to spend it. But again, the result of mindful spending is so worth the effort.

I have a new friend at work who recycles everything. We took a walk at lunch and she picked up every aluminum can she saw. I recycle too, but not as much as she does. And it made me think - I can do that too. Mindful consumption. Making the world a better place by recycling cans, which also makes the area litter free. It is a simple action, but makes such a difference.

I often wonder why more people don't recycle, or at least throw their litter away. Do they not care? Do they think that their actions won't make a difference? Can they not be bothered? Probably yes to all of these questions.

So, think about mindful living. You can make a difference in your life, in your community, in your world. Every little action does add up.

I have started a savings account with my recycling money and hope to take a trip with the proceeds this fall. I'm up to $57. Not bad for collecting, crushing and recycling cans.

My quote today speaks to me on so many levels.

"Happiness is not a reward - it is a consequence.
Suffering is not a punishment - it is a result."

Until next time - I promise it won't be months between posts again.