Monday, July 26, 2010

Shameless Advertising

Ok - you all know I have my real estate license. Well, take a look at this listing because it is a gem.

1386 Bonnie Ridge Court is only $139,000. Three bedrooms, 2 baths, huge garage, close to city, close to the country. I am holding an Open House here on Sunday, August 1.

Or, if you are looking for a terrific and super affordable home, feast your eyes on this house.

This one is 697 Powhatan Ave and is only $90,000. One story, darling house. Big backyard, finished basement, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, workshop in basement, close to Westgate Park. I need to tell you that I am related to the seller of this house.

Like what you see? Call me. Tell your friends and family.

Shameless advertising. But these are terrific homes. Call me and see for yourself.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Everything Counts

So last weekend I counted all of our change and rolled it - there was $15 and half of it was pennies. This is "found" money - pieces and parts of dollars spent. I put this $15 in my savings account so it can earn some interest. OK - I know that $15 is not much, and the interest it will generate will not be much either. But everything counts and adds up.

Just like recycling cans. Each can equals about 1.5 cents. Two cans make 3 pennies, 100 pennies make a dollar and so on. Again, every little bit adds up. Just like I've earned $57 so far from recycling. Couple that with the $15 "found" money and you have $72. Not much either, but think about that that $72 can pay for...

- A new pair of running shoes

- Meals for a needy family

- Groceries for a homeless veteran

- Supplies for a diabetic patient

- Food for homeless pets

- Utilities for an elderly person for a month

- Gas for my car - 2 fill ups

- 24 fill ups for my scooter

These funds are "found" money.

In these times of economic hardship found money does pay for many expenses. So what happens once the economy improves? Should we relax or continue our frugal ways?

If we continue our frugal ways, just think of how much more we could save.

And every little can recycled helps the environment and the economy. From the time an aluminum can is recycled it can be back on a store shelf in 60 days. This new can is made from reused metal. This re-use means less energy spent mining for new metal, less land destroyed for mining, leading to less pollution caused by mining.

My husband considers my effors - recycling and coin counting both - as a waste of time. But to me I am growing my personal wealth, improving my financial health and improving the environment. Plus putting these coins back into circulation makes them available to the banking industry and general public. Hopefully this effor will lessen the need to mint more coins. Like recycling, it will save energy land and pollution. Since the minting of coins is handled by the federal government I wonder if they even care about saving money and resources.

Sorry - I kind of went off on a tangent. So how does this post relate to my goals I set early this year? Depeche Mode sums it up perfectly:

"Everything counts in large amounts."

Keep on counting, saving, reusing, renewing.