Friday, September 3, 2010

Encouragement in the most unlikely places

I was feeling very discouraged this evening. In one of those funks where I doubted about every decision I have made in the past 6 years. Not happy with my weight, looks, health, and many other things.

It was making me grumpy and impatient. And I knew I had to shake this mood.

My husband and I had dinner at a Chinese restaurant. I made good food choices. And you want to hear my fortune that was in my fortune cookie?

"Endurance and persistence will be rewarded."

And I began to shake my discouraging mood.

Now, the things that brought on the mood did not go away. I just know that I need to keep focused on the things that matter most to me: health (physical, spiritual, financial), family and balance.

I cannot forget that we must keep on keeping on.

That is all for tonight. I hope I have encouraged all those who read this post.

Good night my friends.