Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Meeting Goals - Slowly

I am halfway to a goal - my savings account. Looking back through my transactions, I am disgusted to see how low I let the balance get. Seeing all my withdrawals and debits made my heart sick.

But .... I am pleased to report that I have nothing but deposits since September 2010 and on December 30 I will be half way to my Emergency Fund Goal. It isn't much, but it is something. And something is better than nothing.

I struggle with wanting it to be fully funded right now! But I need patience. I think back to a quote I read a few weeks ago:

"Gratification is best prepared in a Crock Pot. Nice and slow."
~ The Simple Dollar

I am showing a house on Wednesday, too. I am so thrilled about that.

I will make 2011 the year I pay off 2 more debts. 2011 I paid off the Furnace Guy. 2011 I will pay off BP Oil and Bank of America. And hopefully a few more.

Make it a great day, friends!!

Monday, December 13, 2010

2011 Goals

I guess I should call this blog Christina's Goals since it is going on to 2011 and I want to keep it up.

2010 is not over so I won't measure up my progress on my goals I set last year. I can tell you that I will work harder at my goals because I think I will come short.

I have done a lot of reading about blogs over the past year and I believe that blogging really has become the way to stay connected to your interests. I have become so dismayed at the news media - local, national - and they way those news outlets whip themselves (and the public) into the darling frenzy of the moment. We should seek out the news that interests each and every one of us and follow those trends, stories, etc.

So I have subscribed to several money saving and personal finance blogs. 2011 must be the year I really get my debt under control.

Anyway, here is to the last 2.5 weeks of 2010. I wish I could say it was a year of sensational change and progress. I think I managed to spin my wheels a lot. I hope I can regain traction in 2011.

So that will be my mantra for the next year:

"2011 - the year I gain traction" ... and get my mojo back.

Stay warm (if you live in the north and east), have fun if you live in the sun!

~ Christina