Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Meeting Goals - Slowly

I am halfway to a goal - my savings account. Looking back through my transactions, I am disgusted to see how low I let the balance get. Seeing all my withdrawals and debits made my heart sick.

But .... I am pleased to report that I have nothing but deposits since September 2010 and on December 30 I will be half way to my Emergency Fund Goal. It isn't much, but it is something. And something is better than nothing.

I struggle with wanting it to be fully funded right now! But I need patience. I think back to a quote I read a few weeks ago:

"Gratification is best prepared in a Crock Pot. Nice and slow."
~ The Simple Dollar

I am showing a house on Wednesday, too. I am so thrilled about that.

I will make 2011 the year I pay off 2 more debts. 2011 I paid off the Furnace Guy. 2011 I will pay off BP Oil and Bank of America. And hopefully a few more.

Make it a great day, friends!!

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