Saturday, January 15, 2011

I hate being sick - but feeling much better now

So the week started out great. Husband and I had just returned from Chicago where we walked (a lot), shopped, joined the Art Institute and caught up on much needed sleep.

But he had a terrible cold. And then Monday I came down with same cold.

Tuesday I felt so bad that I cancelled my personal training session.
Wednesday when I woke up I felt like a truck was parked on my face. But I was hosting a 2-day training session at work, and was to be a featured speaker, so I dressed up and went to work. I sat in the back of the training room, got the program started, gave my presentation and by 2pm I was sitting at my desk with my head on the surface of my desk. I went home and went to bed.

Thursday was worse. I sneezed every 5 minutes ... and not just the little "Ah-choo" kind. It was more like window rattling earthquake starting AHHHHHH-CHHOOOO! I couldn't even hold a cup of hot tea because each time I sneezed my hands flew in every direction and my whole body shook. And I had no sense of taste. None. So I slept all day.

Friday came and I headed to work because I had a meeting scheduled at 9am. I held my meeting and by 10 am once again my head was resting on the surface of my desk. Fortunately my co-worker stopped to check on me and tapped my on the shoulder. "Go home!" she told me. I dutifully followed her advice and spent yet another day in bed.

Today I feel much better! So I went to the gym - on a Saturday night. Not busy at all! I ran/walked over 2 miles on the treadmill and did the same distance on the elliptical trainer. I exercised for 70 straight minutes.

So maybe I needed to get a week's worth of rest. Sometimes a bad cold is your body's way of telling you to slow down, rest, and recoup your energy.

So I am so thrilled at my time at the gym tonight. Let's see how I feel tomorrow. I signed up to run the Warrior Dash in June 2011 ( so I must get back into the routine of running and strength training. Check it out - it will be a lot of fun. We are scheduled to run on Sunday at 3:30 pm.

Oh - I have lost 2 pounds since the beginning of the year and 6 pounds before that. So down 8 pounds total through the holidays.

Now, I just have to get focused on my financial goals.

Have a great weekend everybody.

Monday is Martin Luther King Jr holiday. Let's reflect upon Dr. King's work, vision, and make our worlds a better place in his honor.

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