Sunday, January 16, 2011

Progress? I say Yes!

Well, yesterday's run at the gym has given me inspiration to keep it up.

So I made very good food choices, walked the dogs (all 3 of them) and worked out on the Wii Fit for an hour.

Eat well? Check!
Exercise? Check!

I also showed 6 condos to a new client - a person my cousin introduced me to.

Guess what? The new client fell in love with one of the condos and wants to make an offer on it tomorrow! I am so thrilled! that has never happened to me.

I am having awesome thoughts about this transaction.

So I am on a roll with my food choices, good exercise habits, and now real estate. And the more real estate I sell, the more extra money I can use to pay off my debt.

My quote of the day comes from the blog Ben Does Life.

"Happy are those who dream dreams and
are ready to pay the price to make them come true."
~ Leon J. Suenes

Check out Ben's blog here. He is truly an inspiration to me.

So - here's to progress. Today, tomorrow and onward.

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