Sunday, December 25, 2011

2012 is My Year

Hi Friends -

A lot has happened in my life since my last post - hence the nearly year long absence.

I want to transform myself in 2012 to be an independent, thinner, financially fit, healthier woman capable of taking on the world.

Yes, these goals have always been my goals, but I realize I was constantly putting my goals and needs on the back burner for other people.

In 2012, I will document several topics - I will list them here, but I know that more topics will come up as I write more.
  • DIY Weight Loss and Exercise
  • DIY Home Improvement
  • DIY Budget Management and Cutting Costs
These are the first ones that come to mind.

In 2011, some very dramatic events occured for me. The most devestating one was that I noticed my husband of 6 years (we had been together for 10 years) became less and less interested in me and the house we were renovating. I'll spare you the details, but the short story is that he was cheating on me. Boy, have I learned a lot about the signs of a cheating spouse! Maybe that will be a topic I should cover in this blog. I need to let some time pass before I tackle that one as right now my feelings are still a bit raw and I may not be very objective in my thoughts.

At any rate, we separated in early November 2011, and his income left the house with him. So I am now facing how to pay for the household we once shared on my income alone. I am keeping the house, because restoring an old house has always been my dream - long before I met the husband. And it is in my name. I cannot sell it for what I owe, anyway, so if I did a short sale I would just be destroying my credit even more.
Plus, it is a fabulous house and will be even more fabulous once I finish it.

I am launching some new projects in 2012 that will help me reach my fianancial goals. I am also going to document my weight loss goals - this has been a challenge for me my entire life. I will post the results on this blog weekly.

I hope you stay tuned to this blog - and possibly others that I create - to see how I make 2012 my year of transformation. Hopefully you can take away from the blog some tips and inspiration for your own life.

My quote of the day:

"Be happy. It's one way of being wise."
~ Sidonie Gabrielle Colette

Cheers to you and Merry Christmas

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