Saturday, February 25, 2012

When the going gets tough ....

"When the going gets tough, the tough get going."

We've heard that saying all of our lives. But it is important to remind ourselves of what it means to each of us.

Today, I feel tired and a little bit discouraged. Part of that is because I have been traveling for work the past couple of days and I have come home to a house that needs cleaned, and a big To Do List to accomplish this weekend.

Another reason I feel this way, perhaps, is that I have certain goals I want to accomplish. They are quiet goals, personal ones, I am keeping to myself. But right now, the ball to accomplishing those goals are now with other people. And I am waiting. I don't like to wait.

But to harken back to another tried and true saying:

"Good things come to those who wait."

So I wait, and clean my house, and drink more coffee and look for the sun to come back.

And create my own future, one day at a time.

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