Monday, March 24, 2014

A lot has happened since my last entry. My divorce was finalized in September 2012 and what a relief that has been.

In the time since then, I have visited places I've never been (Outer Banks and Cape Cod) went to Chicago and New Orleans (two of my favorite places), moved my real estate license to a different brokerage, joined a scooter club and I have made so many new friends, plus reconnected with some older friends.

And I am working on my house. Slow progress, sometimes painfully slow, but I am happy to report that the kitchen sink I found on Craigslist last week has been hooked up and is working!

What once was a square room down to the studs is now becoming a make-shift kitchen and is finally taking shape.

Plus, by the end of April I should have 3 more homes sold - and that means I can finish up the mechanical work in my house and possibly finish all the insulation.

And, I am now feeling the happiest and most fulfilled than I have in the last 5 years. Really, it's been more than 5 years.

What was an awful experience (the divorce) has blossomed into a wonderful adventure. It is full of fun, discovery, accomplishments, twists, turns and friendship.

So I am smiling again! The sun is shining and the weekend should be warm.

Stay tuned for more updates - I am so excited about this house renovation. More than I have ever been.


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