Saturday, March 29, 2014

Dream, dream, dream, dream .....

So today I stopped at Lowe's to pick up a sink strainer and a washer for my kitchen sink faucet. My lovely Craiglist find has a leaky faucet and is missing a strainer.

So what was a simple and straightforward trip to the home improvement store turned into a lovely lesson on the power of dreams.

It is a cold, rainy and dreary day here in Ohio's capital city, so I guess I was looking for some inspiration at Lowe's when I stopped by the paint desk to look at mis-tinted paint. These are containers of paints that were custom tinted and for whatever reason, the customer was not satisfied with the color and did not purchase them. These paints are sold at a huge discount. I once got a gallon of satin Valspar paint for free.

Anyway, I have been dreaming of certain colors for the downstairs of the Big House that are from the Sherwin-Williams paint gallery called Pizzaz. You can take a quiz on their website and they will suggest a color pallette that suits your personality. S-W knows its marketing - I love this pallette.

I knew the name of the colors I loved for the downstairs, and Lowe's has these little tester containers of paint that they can tint for you.

So I asked them to tint 3 of them in these colors: June Day (foyer), Mythical (front parlor) and Exuberant Pink (middle parlor). I want to paint the dining room Tango and my kitchen Frolic, but these rooms have no drywall or plaster - they are just down to the studs, so I will wait to test those colors later.

So I got home, and although I was really hungry, I skipped lunch and painted these colors on the walls of their designated rooms. And I was pleased.

A warm and inviting foyer needs a sunny color, like June Day. I like it a lot! I think I will use this color in the foyer and carry the same color up the front staircase and into the upstairs hallway.

Then I thought the Front Parlor will be a room for reading and reflection - and needs to be a soothing color. Like a soft purple. Thus, I chose Mythical for this room.

These are the same spot, but just two different views of the same thing - to give you an idea of all the curves and angles and details of the Big House.

Finally, for the Middle Parlor, I envision this room to be where people congregate - where the stereo and TV will be. I wanted a fun and lively color - like Mythical Pink.

Kiki looks pretty good against the pink - don't you think?

I so want to start painting - like now!! But alas, I need to sell some more houses so I can finish the mechanicals, insulate and drywall.

But it was pretty fun dreaming on this cold and rainy day.

Let me know what you think!!!

I also need to start selecting exterior colors. That seems so much harder for me.


  1. Loved this entry Christina. Please show me the SW page where you find out what your favourite colour palette is! I'd like to find out what my palette is. See you Wednesday.

      Marcia - this is the link to the SW site. It was a couple years ago that I took their quiz. But you can still see their palettes here.
