Saturday, January 29, 2011

Making Progress Again

Friends -

Most of you know I have been super sick with the head cold from hell. Three weeks of it. Blah!

But the good news is that I am starting to feel better. Which means I can attend to stuff that I sort of neglected. When I get sick, I am down. Everything comes to a grinding halt.

But with Spring approaching (just 1 1/2 months away) I need to get back on track. That means promoting my real estate business (among other things - weight loss, fitness, tax preparation, bill paying).

But anyway - I have two awesome listings for you all to check out. Here is the first one:


This is my aunt's house and it is up for sale. Cute little ranch house, large fenced backyard and only $84,900.

This is the second one:

An adorable historic condo in the trendy Olde Towne East neighborhood. Only $98,000.

If anybody is interested in either property, or if you have any questions about real estate, please contact me and I answer all of your questions, show you some houses, etc.

Have a great weekend!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Progress? I say Yes!

Well, yesterday's run at the gym has given me inspiration to keep it up.

So I made very good food choices, walked the dogs (all 3 of them) and worked out on the Wii Fit for an hour.

Eat well? Check!
Exercise? Check!

I also showed 6 condos to a new client - a person my cousin introduced me to.

Guess what? The new client fell in love with one of the condos and wants to make an offer on it tomorrow! I am so thrilled! that has never happened to me.

I am having awesome thoughts about this transaction.

So I am on a roll with my food choices, good exercise habits, and now real estate. And the more real estate I sell, the more extra money I can use to pay off my debt.

My quote of the day comes from the blog Ben Does Life.

"Happy are those who dream dreams and
are ready to pay the price to make them come true."
~ Leon J. Suenes

Check out Ben's blog here. He is truly an inspiration to me.

So - here's to progress. Today, tomorrow and onward.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

I hate being sick - but feeling much better now

So the week started out great. Husband and I had just returned from Chicago where we walked (a lot), shopped, joined the Art Institute and caught up on much needed sleep.

But he had a terrible cold. And then Monday I came down with same cold.

Tuesday I felt so bad that I cancelled my personal training session.
Wednesday when I woke up I felt like a truck was parked on my face. But I was hosting a 2-day training session at work, and was to be a featured speaker, so I dressed up and went to work. I sat in the back of the training room, got the program started, gave my presentation and by 2pm I was sitting at my desk with my head on the surface of my desk. I went home and went to bed.

Thursday was worse. I sneezed every 5 minutes ... and not just the little "Ah-choo" kind. It was more like window rattling earthquake starting AHHHHHH-CHHOOOO! I couldn't even hold a cup of hot tea because each time I sneezed my hands flew in every direction and my whole body shook. And I had no sense of taste. None. So I slept all day.

Friday came and I headed to work because I had a meeting scheduled at 9am. I held my meeting and by 10 am once again my head was resting on the surface of my desk. Fortunately my co-worker stopped to check on me and tapped my on the shoulder. "Go home!" she told me. I dutifully followed her advice and spent yet another day in bed.

Today I feel much better! So I went to the gym - on a Saturday night. Not busy at all! I ran/walked over 2 miles on the treadmill and did the same distance on the elliptical trainer. I exercised for 70 straight minutes.

So maybe I needed to get a week's worth of rest. Sometimes a bad cold is your body's way of telling you to slow down, rest, and recoup your energy.

So I am so thrilled at my time at the gym tonight. Let's see how I feel tomorrow. I signed up to run the Warrior Dash in June 2011 ( so I must get back into the routine of running and strength training. Check it out - it will be a lot of fun. We are scheduled to run on Sunday at 3:30 pm.

Oh - I have lost 2 pounds since the beginning of the year and 6 pounds before that. So down 8 pounds total through the holidays.

Now, I just have to get focused on my financial goals.

Have a great weekend everybody.

Monday is Martin Luther King Jr holiday. Let's reflect upon Dr. King's work, vision, and make our worlds a better place in his honor.