Monday, January 4, 2010

Books I Love

Ok - I am such a bookworm. Reading has been a passion for me as soon as I learned how to recognize words and put them together. I would check out books from the library in the 3rd grade and read all of them that evening and return them the next day. The libraian thought I was lying about reading them all over night. Maybe that is why I have such poor vision - reading under the covers with a flash light might not be great for eye sight.

At any rate, I am reading a book called The Spark by Chris Downie, the founder of Sparkpeople. It is an amazing inspirational book because he introduces it by telling his own story of how he struggled to overcome his issues and how he turned his struggle into ways to help others reach their goals.

One of the points he makes in his book is one that I have found in Dave Ramsey's books and radio shows. Set your goals - long term - and then break down the goal into smaller goals - or what Dave calls "Baby Steps." Both authors explain that when you break down your main goal into smaller pieces, it will be easier for you to meet the smaller goals, and the smaller goals will add up to accomplishing the larger goal.

Also, both authors talk about wanting to help people - Chris helps people reach health well being goals and Dave focuses on financial well being goals. But they both have made the same remarkable discovery. You will discover that your small goals may overlap each other and when you, for example, maintain your streak in the fitness arena, it is easier to maintain your streak in other areas, like keeping your house clean, or being very diligent about paying off your bills. Chris calls this "criss-crossing" and Dave just calls it being "giselle intense."

I have discovered this "criss-crossing" effect too. Now that I watch what I eat, and make a point to exercise each day, I have a happier attitude, I sleep better and I am looking forward to selling houses and paying off my bills.

Today's quote of the day is as follows:

"There is nothing like a dream to create the future." ~ Victor Hugo

Let me know if you have experienced the "criss-crossing" effect too. By the way, The Spark is my first of the 12 books I will read this year.


  1. I've listened to Dave Ramsey on the radio and like what he has to day. I'm more of an article reader than a book reader, although I like books too. Although what often happens is I'll quickly read the first several chapters and get the main points of what they're teaching. After I get the main idea(s) I get bogged down & then bored as they spell out the details of those points. I guess that's why I like articles. I can't get bogged down in the details.

  2. I'm temped to get the Spark but I'll have to look at it in a store or the Library first. This could be one of those books that gets bogged in details. I have a couple Suzie Ormond books on finances that I started reading years ago. At the time, I was too emotional about finances and felt more and more stressed as I read. I think I could pick one of those up again without having a panic attack this time.
