Saturday, January 2, 2010

Real Estate and Bills

Ok - two of my goals are very inter related. I want to sell at least 4 houses this year and I want to pay off some bills. The more houses I sell, the more bills I pay off.

I do have one house listed for sale - it is a house that I actually own. It has been rental property for the past 5 1/2 years and the tenants moved out in the fall. David and I worked for about 2 months to get it ready to put on the market and it has been for sale since Halloween. It's an adorable cape cod single family home on the west side of Columbus. Take a look at it at my web site:

It would be perfect as a starter home - and a first time homebuyer could take advantage of the $8,000 first time homebuyer tax credit. The address is 752 Racine Ave, if you want to do a drive by.

So if you like what you see, call your realtor and set up a showing. Don't have a realtor? Then, by all means, contact me and I will show it to you!! You can contact me at the above web site - just send me an email and I will get right back to you.

If this house isn't your cup of tea, then tell other people about it. Spread the Spark!

The quote for today:
"The greatest amount of wasted time is the time not getting started." ~ Dawson Trotman

Peace out and check out the blog tomorrow - I will talk about books I am reading.

1 comment:

  1. I joined Thanks for the info on this free wed site. I remember hearing about the book somewhere and it peaked my interest. I'm not one to get on the computer everyday. I can go weeks without taking the time to log into email or facebook because I just want to do other things when I'm home. So, I'm not sure how well I'll do tracking on the website.
