Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year's Day 2010

So here it is, the new year! And I have these goals to meet, and I need a plan to reach and exceed every single one.

You may have noticed I posted a picture on my profile. It was taken 8 years ago while on vacation. I was about 2 sizes smaller, so it is a reminder to me that I did used to weigh less, I could fit into really cute clothes and that by dropping 20 pounds, I can look this way again. I look happy in the photo too.

So how will I accomplish this goal? I work out using our Wii Fit Plus every day for at least 30 minutes. And David and I joined a gym - something that we cut out last year so that we could focus more on renovating our house. Ohhhh, I so missed it too, especially the group fitness classes. Nothing motivates you more than a spinning instructor cheering you on as you pedal harder - or yelling at you when you slack off and coast.

I missed the kickboxing classes too. What a sense of strength and empowerment kickboxing gives you - you can feel yourself growing stronger with each punch and kick of the bag.

I track all this activity and my nutrition in Sparkpeople, a fantastic, and free (!) web site ( that has all sorts of trackers for you. You track your food and activity, you can browse their meal plans, you can sign up for all sorts of community groups, and sign up for challenges. And it is free!

The founder, Chris Downie, just published a book called The Spark, and I actually bought it this week. I don't buy books much because I feel that we have such an awesome library system in Columbus and we should take full advantage of it. Plus collecting stuff, like books, is not my thing. I think it just adds clutter and expense to our lives (but that is another topic to blog about in the future).

So, if you want to set your own goals to get healthy, check out Sparkpeople. I have tried a lot of ways to loose weight and it all boils down to: Eat Less, Exercise More. Sparkpeople is an awesome tool to help you do that, to encourage you to keep going, and to read about other people who are in your same shoes and have succeeded in reaching their goals.

The quote of the day is from one of my favorite authors and motivational speakers, Larry Winget. Larry is of the tough love school of thought, and he can be brutally honest. Brutal. But what he does do is make you take a look at yourself and your situation and encourages you to believe that you can make changes. The process to change can be painful, you may have to give up some things, beliefs, mind sets, but you can do it. Today's quote is the title of the first book of his that I read:
"You're broke because you want to be." ~ Larry Winget

And you can change the work "broke" to be anything that you want to change. You're overweight because you want to be. You're in a dead end job because you want to be. You're unhappy because you want to be. It's all about your personal choices and your accountability.

So, think about that, go read Larry's writings ( and look at the daily choices you make and whether you can change the way you do things to help you reach your goals. That is what I am going to do.

Let's reach our goals together. And then, when we reach them, set new ones.

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