Sunday, January 10, 2010

Width and Depth

Do your weekends wear you out? Mine do, sometimes I feel on Monday morning relieved to be back at work so I can rest up. What am I doing that is so tiring? Everything that I didn't get done during the week, I cram into the two and half days between Friday at 4:35 and Sunday evening at 11:30 when I tumble into bed, pet my pets' heads, and wish my husband sweet dreams. We work out, pick up groceries, try to spend time with friends, work on our house, pick up our daughters and help them with homework, I do real estate work and try to squeeze in time to do some reading.

I would not have it any other way, because I see so many people retire, thinking that they will enjoy doing "nothing". Then when they discover they have nothing to do, the become depressed and sleep all day. They miss the interaction they had with their co-workers when they were working. They don't get out like they did when they had a job. So maybe our jobs provide more than just a paycheck and a skill. Maybe they nurture something in our social and sub conscious areas.

Here is the quote of the day:

You can't do anything about the length of your life,
but you can do something about its width and depth.
- Shira Tehrani

So I know that this post doesn't have a direct connection to my goals, but it does indirectly. Think about it as a criss-cross effect that Chris Downie talks about in The Spark.

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