Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Update on All Goals

Want some great news? I have worked out for 12 days in a row! Yeah! Yesterday I got back into spinning class and I am feeling it this morning. Oh, what a work out that is and it makes you feel so much stronger when you complete a class. And you feel mentally fit because it really challenges you - mentally and physically.

I have lost 3 pounds since Christmas. That is great news too! This is the kind of news I needed because I was at the gym Monday evening and looked at myself in the full length mirror. I thought I looked like Homer Simpson or Peter Griffin. Big tummy and wide back side. Take that, you full length mirror!

I have been making progress on two books. The first one is called Blink by Malcolm Gladwell. It analyzes the way we think and discusses our conscious and subconscious thoughts. Pretty interesting stuff because it reveals things about us that we didn't even know and teaches the reader how to make better quick decisions.

The second book is The Spark by Chris Downie. This book makes me want to help people even more than I already do. But it also enforces the importance of doing things on your own and for yourself.

Lastly, I am having an Open House at my house for sale at 752 Racine Ave in Columbus this Sunday from 2 pm - 4 pm. If you are around the area, or just want to get out and see a really cute house, stop by.

Here's a thought for the day:
"It's wonderful what we can do if we're always doing."

George Washington

Keep on doing!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! You're doing great!
    My exercise today was shoveling the driveway & sidewalk for 45min. Not anything like a spinning class but I'm counting it as cardio.
    I've been trying to do the fitness recommendations and food tracker on Thanks for turning me on to that. I hope that following your blog will keep me motivated. Maybe I can help keep you motivated as well.
